The term 'proof' is also bandied about. However, much as that would indicate a struck coin proof, this is not the case. Why? Because this is not a U S coin! Furthermore I don't know what the NCM uses for research, but I question the statement that '...With its historic importance, scarce population and unique design, it's no wonder that one of the original 1929 $5 Gold Indians recently sold for $34,100!...' You can get an uncirculated $5 gold Indian [the real McCoy] from the Home Shopping Network for $710, a more realistic price to quote.

Stimulus Bill purchases for benefit of Joe's Corner Store------->
Again, the NCM states that '...There is a strict limit of five Proofs per order. Orders will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis...' I found the same 'gold piece' being offered on at least seven other websites for similar prices. And I don't remember any of them limiting the purchases to five or any other number. I don't believe the NCM limitation will be followed. If you have the money, NCM has the product! No real limitation. Just for you, we'll make an exception.
According to my calculations with the current retail price of gold leaf, I've considered one-eighth of a gram of gold leaf per coin. I sent an email to NCM [1/19/09] asking about the gold content, but I haven't heard back yet [3/09/09.] In any case, the bulk-buying cost of an 1/8th gram of gold leaf [1 sheet] would be about $6. So, your '1929 Indian Head Proof' from NCM has about $6 in gold. Although I saw the piece for sale on Ebay for $60 [I also saw numerous inexpensive books selling for $1,000,000 each! A matter of listing order on the database, I suppose], most resales should be much lower than $24.45.
And you can't accept any claims that the piece is uncirculated, because it's not a coin, and it would never be circulated in the first place. So, as I noted in my last essay on silver pieces, 'buy the ['1929 $5 Indian Head Proof'] if you want, but don't buy it for use or investment.'
Aren't you sick and tired---as I am---of these tv ads for lawyers? It seems they'll pounce on anything to make a buck. You see, according to the legal profession---like the Liberals---no one is guilty of anything. To the contrary, someone else is always guilty---even if the practice or product in question has been accepted for many years or decades without the dubious advantage of today's Liberal hindsight.
Take cigarettes for an example. Even as a school kid in the fifties, I knew their use would lead to cancer or breathing problems. I didn't need a surgeon general or lawyer to tell me. Everyone I knew who used cigarettes, knew they were dangerous. But their pleasure outweighed the danger, so they continued. And, by the way, I liked Joe Camel and he didn't entice me to buy Camels or any other cigarettes. And I've never seen any positive proof that children were adversely influenced by smokey Joe. I like Popeye, but I don't buy his canned spinach. Nor do I buy Mickey Mouse coloring books.
Now we have court cases awarding millions and billions of dollars to 'aggrieved' parties. If you smoke, you have no business suing the cigarette manufacturers. You knew the danger. Just like we know the danger of driving cars on highways; or hunting; or working in the kitchen; or flying; or entering the military; or riding with a Massachusett's senator on a Saturday night near water.
Life is a continuous flow of danger, and we have to make our ways through it with a minimum of damage to live a long life.
Besides, what the lawyers don't tell you is that they'll take at least a third of your award---if any. So if you win $50,000, you can say good-bye to $15,000 plus the lawyer's expenses. If you win $500,000, you can do the math. And the expenses will suddenly escalate to the lawyer's advantage. Some lawyers will take 40% as a matter of course, so keep your wallets closed.
We have a litigious society simply because the lawyers want it so. And their Liberal cohorts in office continue to provide opportunities for the public to sue everyone else for real or perceived injuries. If you haven't got a case, your lawyer will manufacture one from the flimsiest data he or she can find. All for your benefit? Sometimes I wonder. Meanwhile, resulting prices of our commodities and services will increase to cover the spurious awards---not to mention climbing insurance rates.
Remember, the increasing number of lawyers need more and more litigations to pay their bills and give them lifestyles they think they're entitled to. So, stay in bed and be sure you don't get bed sores.
I keep seeing these tv commercials about feeding the poor children of the World, such as 'CCFund'. It usually bothers me when I see these sad stories narrated by overweight people. It seems to me, they should be doing a little sacrificing themselves. Sally Struthers call your office.
*** has an announcer for the Obama commemorative coins who sounds exactly like Obama. That's no coincidence. It's a clever c'mon to make the coins to have more of a Presidential connection and sound more momentous than they really are.
There's a tv advertisement for a to-be-nameless [I don't want the firm suing me!] law firm, you know, one of the millions advertising for mesothelioma cases? One supposed happy client said it all. "They are more than lawyers, they are human beings." So, I guess lawyers are level 1 and humans are level 2?
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